

But, I mean, she didn't go in looking like a werewolf.
This whole time she's been a human looking person. Face, fingers. Coat. I don't know you've probably got an idea.
Oh, red hair. Are you thinking red hair? She doesn't have it, but she's the kind of <strike>person</strike> werewolf who always thought she could pull it off. "Tilda Swinton ain't got nothing on this," she'd think to herself, "I'd rock the ginger look."
Anyway, she sat down in her classroom. One of the science ones.
All the teens were there in the classroom doing their stupid teenage bullshit. Unpacking bags, passing notes, finger-banging.
The teacher walked in. Miss Professor. She looked like a badass, or as much of a badass as a teacher can look. But remember that Indiana Jones was kind of a teacher, too.
Miss Professor sat at her desk.
"All right, kids," she said, snapping a piece of paper, "Stop doing your dumb teenage bullshit. You two, stop finger-banging. Tim for roll call."

This is the part where we find out the werewolf's name.

Miss Professor snapped the paper again.
"Ahem," she coughed.
The tension was palpable.
"Miss Professor?" said a particularly douchey looking boy, "Why do we all feel tense?"
Miss Professor just looked at him. And by the way she looked at him, all the other students knew that she too thought he was a douche.
"Ahem," she said, "Agraplotz, Aloisius."
"Here," answered some doofus.
"Blargrophinsunston, Zarp. Ugh, that's a stupid name," Professor said, correctly.
"Here," said the idiot with the dumb name.
Teens suck.
"Ugh. There's two of them," she said, "Blargrophin- You know," Professor interrupted herself, "I'd think these names were completely made up if I hadn't divorced the jackass who gave you them."
No one in the class spoke.
"Nothing to say for yourself, Zarp?"
"Well, you kinda say it a lot, Mom," said Zarp.
She stared at him.
"Miss Professor," he corrected himself.
"That's better," she said with a punctuational cough. "Blargrophinsunston, Zorp"
Professor looked disapprovingly at the dumb shit who said it. She coughed again. She does that a lot.
"Blargrophinsunston, Zurp."
"God you three are intolerable.

It might take a while for this whole "name" thing to play out. Let's check in elsewhere.

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