

At first, Shersharms attributed the falling sensation and utter blackness to the killer orgasm she'd just given herself with her rabbit.
Not her pet rabbit, Mr. Snuffles, but the sex toy.
Sexy Supernatural Teens isn't sponsored by Rabbit (yet), we just recognize a fine product. Also, Mr. Snuffles was in the room and had watched her self-abuse with a surprising amount of understanding, horror and fascination. Like if you were trapped in a room where god was masturbating.
Shersh eventually realized, though, that the weightlessness was different from her normal, post-orgasmic euphoria and she gingerly made her way to the window. Not quite pitch black out there, but close.
She opened the window and a rush of wind blew her back, carrying the smell of earth. And Geddy Lee.
Then the impact of landing.
The whole house shook pretty hard. Books fell off shelves, the china hutch was ruined and Mr. Snuffles' cage was sent sidelong across the floor.
Shersh landed on her bed and was no worse for wear.
She grabbed a flashlight and opened her bedroom door.
The halls and stairs were in surprisingly good shape.
S-rock slowly made her way out of the house, Mr. Snuffles following like an obedient dog.
The air was hot and musty and thick. Like a dirt floor basement. Or a coal miner's taint.
She cast the beam of the flashlight about like she owned the damn battery factory. The house had landed in a rather large cave that appeared to be made of dirt. And it appeared to have been dug out. Several dark holes indicated a handful of tunnels, hence the cool breeze she was feeling.
She looked up.
Her house had fallen quite a distance. She had no way of knowing exactly, but she saw a hole of daylight way above her about the size of a quarter.
"No way the house fell through a hole the size of a quarter," she said to Mr. Snuffles, "Must be perspective."
She was correct, of course.
Shersharmjorp nearly leapt out of her skin when she felt the clawed paw grab her shoulder.

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