

Later that night, they did.
Although they didn't touch them together so much as they just slammed 'em into each other like an overactive kid with two matchbox cars.


"Oh man. Being a secret vampire is so hard," he thought. But she couldn't hear it; he was just thinking.
"That woman is totally hot looking," he continued to think in his brain.
"I hope that sometime we could touch together our bits."
He approached her.



"Who is that?" she thought to herself, "Oh, that same sexy teen I always see.
"I hope he notices me this time."
She looked in the mirror nearest her. She was in a gym. There were mirrors all over the place.
But not "weremirrors." Not, like, werewolves but instead of turning into wolves you turn into a mirror and that's the real reason you shouldn't break mirrors.
Regular mirrors.
"Ugh," she thought to herself, "I feel so plain. I wish that hot boy had a terrible secret. Like he's secretly a vampire so I could share with him the secret that I'm secretly a werewolf and we could talk and make out and maybe find love in this crazy messed up world and also maybe he could squirt fluid inside me.
"I just want him to have a secret," she thought.



The werewolf had money now.
Now she had to figure out how to turn that into a thing to fight her werewolfism, her lycanthropy. The desire in her to be a feral, wild animal. To hunt. To stalk. To sniff out prey. To howl into the night.
To throw off everything human. To peel back the skin of civilization and pulse like a heart.
So she fought it.
"Ten hamsters please," she said.
"Weren't you in here last week getting hamsters?"
"No, that wasn't me," she said, laughing cutely to try and make the clerk think of something else. Laughter, probably, or jokes maybe.
"No runts," she said as he selected the rodents.



The werewolf put the guitar on the counter.
"What do you want for it?" the cashier asked, like there wasn't a werewolf in front of him.
"I dunno, a hundred bucks?" the werewolf guessed.
No one knew she was a werewolf. She just looked like a person. Like a average ass person. Hair, shoulders, eyeballs.
Just a person.
"We can probably do a hundo," said the clerk.
 "I'm not a werewolf," she said.
"Oh. ...I'll take it."